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About Us | Lombard Mutual Pawnbrokers & Jewelers | Since 1948

Welcome To Lombard Mutual

My name is Joseph Grunberg. I am the 3rd generation owner and operator of Lombard Mutual. At Lombard, we pride ourselves on service, honesty and transparency. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or thoughts you may have.

I know that you nay not have the most familiarity with valuing and understanding jewelry, diamonds, gold and antiques. In addition, if you have to sell or pawn to raise needed cash, I understand it may be difficult and unsettling. However, rest assured that you are in good hands with Lombard Mutual. We will do our very best to explain the process as clearly as possible in order for you to feel comfortable.

My staff and I are eager to assist you so please contact us using the information below. As always, we welcome walk-ins to our offices, so if you are in the New York City area, please stop in.


The Lombard Way

We pride ourselves on openness and honesty in our business practices. Jewelry, diamonds and gems are not items that the average consumer can understand and value. As such, it is essential for the customer to be dealing with an honorable and upstanding company when buying and selling jewelry and when making jewelry collateral loans. People do net sell their heirlooms on a regular basis. As such, many are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the process. At Lombard, we do our very best to ensure that our clients feel safe and secure when selling their precious valuables. We have and always will take pride in treating our clients in this fashion.