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April | 2013 | Lombard Mutual Pawnbrokers & Jewelers | Since 1948
3 April 2013

April 2013 Diamond and Gold Sweepstakes :: No Purchase Necessary

For the month of April and to celebrate the coming of Spring, Lombard Mutual is having our: Springtime Diamond & Gold Sweepstakes. 1 Lucky person will win our 14k white gold, heart-shaped Diamond pendant valued at $700.00 To Start, click the link below and  like our Facebook page to Enter. Want more chances to win, […]

Cash for Gold NY | Jewelry Appraisal Tool Kit

With the Cash for Gold boom of today, many ask, how does a Pawnshop or Gold Buyer set the value on the gold or jewelry you sell them? Isn’t it as simple as checking for todays gold prices and working your way back from there? The simple answer is …. NO. This article builds on […]