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Lombard Press | Lombard Mutual Pawnbrokers & Jewelers | Since 1948

Cash for Gold NY | Jewelry Appraisal Tool Kit

With the Cash for Gold boom of today, many ask, how does a Pawnshop or Gold Buyer set the value on the gold or jewelry you sell them? Isn’t it as simple as checking for todays gold prices and working your way back from there? The simple answer is …. NO. This article builds on […]

Selling Jewelry | True Value vs Perceived Value

Here is a typical question we get when clients come in to sell their precious valuables. “Hey, I just bought this expensive watch for my wife 2 months ago, why is it worth so much less when it’s fairly new?” The question they should be asking is, “whoever said it would be worth more?” A […]

Selling Gold, Not Just for The Cash Strapped!

Who says you have to be in debt to cash in on your jewelry? In this weaker economy with increased gold prices, we see many types of clients walk through our door. Many people come to us because they do have an immediate need to get some quick cash. However, there has been a large […]

20 February 2009
Lombard Press

Lombard Reuters Article

Featured in Reuters Lifestyle Life! Section – Author Leslie Gevirtz – Photo By Susana Verai More women pawn their jewels in tarnished economy NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Pawnbrokers are seeing many more new customers as Americans, mostly women, hock their gold jewelry to make ends meet. “There’s definitely been a great many more first […]

5 April 2008
Lombard Press

Lombard New York Times Article

Featured in New York Times Business Section – Author Michael Barbarro – Photo By Fabrizio Constantini In a Modern Gold Rush, Can Memories Beat $913 an Ounce? Gold rushes should be simple money-making schemes. And on the surface, this one is. With prices hitting record levels, people are melting down rare coins. They are digging […]